It is important that you settle your cash advance as one of the first things after returning from your travel. If you have any cash, you can return it to the cashier.
You need to make sure that your cash advance is equal to your expense report. In the following example:
- 8.000 USD went on work related expenses
- 1.000 USD went on private spending
- 1.000 USD is returned to the cashiers.
- Under "Modules" go to "Expense management" > "My expenses" > "Expense reports"
- Then press "+ New expense report"
- Under purpose write "Expense report for cash advance xx-xx yo yy-yy"
- In this example the purpose will be "Expense report for Cash advance 15-03 to 27-03"
- Then press "OK"
- For work related expenses, you must make an ordinary expense report
- In the example, work related expenses are equal to 8.000 USD
- Remember to attach receipts on your work related expenses
- In the example, work related expenses are equal to 8.000 USD
- For cash advance that was spent on private expenses, must be filled out in following way
- Expense category must always be 54116-01
- Transaction amount must be the amount you have spent on private consumption
- In this example it is 1.000 USD
- Currency must always be the same as the currency you got your cash advance in
- Payment method must always be CASH
- Project ID must always be 30130
- After you have filled out the relevant information, press on the transaction date itself
- You will be asked to "Please attach a photo or scan of the receipts for each expense before submitting the expense".
- There will be a reminder at the top of the screen saying "Please attach a photo or scan of the receipts for each expense before submitting the expense"
- Press on "Upload and attach new receipt"
- Give a short explanation under "Additional information". It should contain information about what the expense report is about
In this case, only 9.000 USD of the cash advance was spent, out of the original 10.000 USD. If you have any cash left after your trip, you'll have to hand them back to cashiers. If you have spent all the money, go to step 14.
- Press on "+ New expense"
- Under expense category select "CashAdvanceReturns"
- Under "Transaction amount" write in how much Cash you will return to the cashiers.
- In this instance, the individual have returned 1.000 USD
- NOTE: The system will fill out the transaction amount cell automatically. But double check that the returned amount is identical to how much you return the cashiers
- In this instance, the individual have returned 1.000 USD
- Fill out Additional information and attach the receipt you have received from the cashier
- Go to the top of your screen and press "Save". Then press "Workflow" and "Submit"
- Press Submit again
Now you have filled out your expense report for cash advance correctly
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