How to fix returned timesheets

  • Updated

When your timesheet is returned, you have to do something with it. 


  1. Go to Kompas
  2. On your homepage you will see "Record returned". Press on it


  1. In the new window press on the record ID. Note that the subject is "Records returned" and "Document type" is "Timesheets"


  1. This will open up your timesheet overview. At the top of the screen, press "Workflow", then "More" and "Workflow history"


  1. Look for "Rejection" in the column "Action". In the same row, look at the reason for your timesheet rejection given by your line manager

  1. Go back to your timesheet, by pressing "X" in the upper right corner


  1. Go to the top of the screen, press "Workflow" and then "Recall"


  1. After short while (circa 2. minutes) your timesheet will become a draft and you will have the option to edit your timesheet with the correct information.



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