Approve vendor invoice - What to do?

  • Updated

If you are a project manager for a given project, you might receive a vendor invoice that you'll have to approve.

  1. Go to Kompas
  2. Under "Work items assigned to me" there will be a link to "Approve vendor invoice"


  1. Press on the number ID it self
    • If you already know that the invoice in correct, skip to step 7


  1. Check if the vendor invoice is correct by press on the "paper clip" in the top right corner of your window


  1. You'll open a window where you can see the invoice it self


  1. After you have checked the invoice, press "X" on the right side of the window



  1. Thereafter, at the top of the screen, press "Workflow" and then "Approve"

  1. You have successfully approved the invoice that was sent to your project

Note: If you get more invoices for approval, you have hover your mouse over the individual invoices to get additional information:

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