How to correct your timesheet

  • Updated

If you have made a mistake in your timesheet AND it was approved by your line manager, then you must make a new, "negative" timesheet to fix the mistake.

Guide on how to make a new timesheet can be found here: Time registration in Kompas – Red Cross Support (


  1. Go to Kompas
  2. Open Modules Project management and accounting → Timesheets → My timesheets


  1. In the new window, press "+ New" at the top of the window, to make a new timesheet



  1. In the new window, change the date for the relevant week, you want to fix the error


  1. Now make a new, negative, line for the project you want to fix your timesheet for



  1. Once you are done with making "negative" hours for the project you are fixing the mistake for, go to the top, press "Save", then press "Workflow" and "Submit"


  1. Then just press submit one more time


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