Kategori-id |
Category |
24100 Andre personalerelaterede omkostninger |
24111-01 |
Job advertisement costs |
24111-02 |
Recruitment agency |
24112-01 |
Expenses for temporary assistance |
24113-01 |
Training, courses and education |
24114-01 |
Staff gifts |
24114-02 |
School fees |
24114-03 |
Work clothing |
24114-04 |
Other staff benefits |
24115-01 |
B-Income fee |
24200 Produktionsomkostninger |
24211-01 |
Packing costs |
24212-01 |
Procurement of second hand clothes containers |
24212-02 |
Repairs and maintenance of second hand clothes containers |
24311-01 |
Rental costs for accommodations |
24311-02 |
Office rental costs |
24300 Lokationsomkostninger |
24311-03 |
Warehouse rental costs |
24312-01 |
Indoor repairs and maintenance |
24312-02 |
Outdoor repairs and maintenance |
24312-03 |
Cleaning of premises and similar facilities |
24312-04 |
Outdoor cleaning |
24312-05 |
Waste disposal costs |
24313-01 |
Electricity consumption |
24313-02 |
Heat consumption |
24313-03 |
Water consumption |
24313-04 |
Gas consumption |
24313-05 |
Refund of energy taxes |
24314-01 |
Security costs (alarm, guards etc.) |
24315-01 |
Property taxes |
24400 Logistikomkostninger |
24411-01 |
Postage |
24411-02 |
Postage, freight and similar charges |
24411-03 |
Freight charges exclusive VAT |
24412-01 |
Petrol and diesel |
24412-02 |
Motor vehicle and registration |
24412-03 |
Other expenses related to the operation of vehicles |
24413-01 |
Car leasing arrangements |
24500 Omkostninger til rejser og ophold |
24511-01 |
Taxi fares |
24511-02 |
External driver expenses |
24512-01 |
Parking |
24513-01 |
Hotel accommodation |
24514-01 |
Air, train and bus fare |
24515-01 |
Subsistence allowance |
24515-02 |
Meals when travelling |
24515-03 |
Mileage allowance (motoring in |
24515-04 |
Private Lodging |
24516-01 |
Visas, vaccinations, medicine and treatment – travelling and accommodation |
24517-01 |
Car rental (short-term rental) |
24600 IT-omkostninger |
24611-01 |
Acquisition of telephones |
24611-02 |
Computers |
24611-03 |
Hardware infrastructure |
24611-04 |
Other hardware costs |
24612-01 |
Procurement of software |
24612-02 |
Software licences |
24613-01 |
Employees’ internet expenses |
24613-02 |
Mobile phone and internet sub |
24613-03 |
Hosting arrangements |
24700 Kommunikations- og marketingsomkostninger |
24711-01 |
Online advertising |
24711-02 |
Advertising agencies |
24711-03 |
TV productions |
24712-01 |
Lower promotion and advertising costs |
24713-01 |
Call centre, text messaging services and similar services |
24714-01 |
Layout and graphics expenses |
24714-02 |
Translation services |
24714-03 |
Printing and publication |
24714-04 |
Photographing and photo expenses |
24714-05 |
Lower costs for producing communication material |
24715-01 |
24800 Administrationsomkostninger |
24811-01 |
Office supplies and minor office acquisitions |
24811-02 |
Newspapers, magazines, specialist literature and similar literature |
24811-03 |
Procurement of small furniture and equipment |
24812-01 |
Audit and declaration services |
24812-02 |
Auditor’s advisory and assistance services |
24813-01 |
Legal services |
24814-01 |
IT consultants |
24814-02 |
Financial and management consultants |
24814-03 |
External preparation of reports and similar material |
24814-04 |
Review/evaluation performed externally |
24814-05 |
Other consultancy services |
24815-01 |
Directors’ liability (62112-10) |
24815-02 |
General commercial liability (62112-09) |
24815-03 |
Industrial injury insurance (62112-01) |
24815-04 |
Delegate insurance (incl. family) (62112-04) |
24815-05 |
Group accident liability insurance (62112-07) |
24815-06 |
Car insurance |
24815-07 |
Commercial insurance |
24815-08 |
Other insurance expenses |
24816-01 |
Other subscriptions and service agreements |
24817-01 |
Subscription costs |
24818-01 |
Procurement of supplies for canteen |
24818-02 |
Small expenses for canteen operation |
24819-01 |
Restaurant visits (staff and guests) |
24819-02 |
Catering for technical meetings with external participants at RK premises |
24819-03 |
Staff catering for technical activities at RK premises |
24819-04 |
Catering for technical meetings with external participants at DRC premises |
24819-05 |
Catering for technical meetings with external participants at external premises |
24819-06 |
Staff catering for technical activities at external premises |
24819-07 |
Catering for receptions, anniversaries and non-technical meetings at DRC premises |
24819-08 |
Renting of external meeting, conference or course facilities |
24819-09 |
Gifts in connection with representation |
24820-01 |
Grants to The Danish Red Cross Youth |
24820-02 |
Other grants |
24821-01 |
Costs regarding administration fee to HNS |
24822-01 |
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts |
24822-02 |
Bad debts recognised |
24823-01 |
Decimal rounding and small differences |
24900 Større ikke-aktiverbare indkøb |
24911-01 |
Procurement of medicine and hospital equipment |
24911-02 |
First aid products for projects |
24911-03 |
Tents and accommodation |
24912-01 |
Procurement to HNS - Computers |
24912-02 |
Procurement to HNS - Vehicles |
24912-03 |
Procurement to HNS - Medicine & hospital equipment |
24912-04 |
Procurement to HNS - Other (incl. service contracts) |
25100 Overførsler til Partnere |
25111-01 |
Transferred to HNS partners |
25112-01 |
Transferred to ICRC |
25113-01 |
Transferred to IFRC |
25114-01 |
Transferred to partners for projects in Denmark |
25115-01 |
Other transfers to partners |
32100 Finansielle omkostninger |
32114-01 |
Default interest and interest to creditors |
32114-02 |
Bank fees |
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