Simple accounting - What to do when you receive an invoice

  • Updated

Somethimes you will receive an invoice for review. If receive such notification, this is the steps you need to make to resolve the task

  1. Go to Kompas
  2. On your Home page there will be a link under “Work items assigned to me


  1. Pressing on the link, will show you a window with all the work items assigned to you.
  1. Click on the ID number for the relevant invoice


  1. Doing so will open all Pending vendor invoice that are assigned to you
    • Select "Financials" at the top of the screen, so you open the relevant tab for financial accounting

  1. You can check the invoice documentation by pressing the paperclip in the upper right corner


  1. Doing so will show all the Attachments for Vendor invoices which you can review


  1. Go back to the invoice by pressing “X” in the upper right corner



  1. If you have received service or delivery for one project, you can use simple accounting. To do so go to “Financials” at the top of your screen and press “Simple accounting



  1. In the new drop-down window, you must fill out “Line description”, “Project ID”, “Project category”, and “Activity number
    1. If you work on international project, “Donor Cost Classification” must also be filled
    2. If you are unsure about Project ID, Project category or Activity number, as you Project Manager or project controller for additional information


  1. Once you filled out the relevant information, press “OK”


  1. Thereafter you can send your simple accounting into the workflow. Go to "workflow" > "Complete". After this step, you have successfully completed the simple accounting for the invoice that was assigned to you.


  1. Your Project manager will now receive the invoice for approval


If you need to split the invoice, then you must contact your team’s dedicated splitter, as you might now have the rights to split the invoices. If that is the case you will get the error message “Insufficient rights to execute Purchase order on Menu item in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.”








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